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A is for Almond

Almond beauty benefits

A is for Almond :

High in Vitamin E & antioxidants that help fight skin cancer, improves circulation hence help maintaining healthy & well hydrated skin. Moreover, almonds are a great anti-ageing food 😉 – Antioxidants and Vitamin E, both those components work together to prevent cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks) – Riboflavin and L-carnitine which are essential for healthy brain function and prevention of Alzheimer. – Gamma-Tocopherol (a type of Vit E) : a powerful antioxidant which fights free radical damage and oxidative stress hence reduce the risk of various types of cancer ( Breast cancer, Colon cancer and Prostate Cancer) – Traces of minerals such as Magnesium & Phosphorous, both important to maintain health bones and reduce tooth decay. To ripe the benefits of Almond, you should always have it in ts raw, unsalted, un-roasted form and with the skin on (not blanched).

اللوز يعتبر نوع من أهم أنواع المكسرات لصحة البشره و الشعر. مش بس كده, ده كمان في كميه كبيره من مضادات الأكسده و فيتامين ه اللي تواجدهم مع بعض بيحمي من أمراض القلب. تنصح كبار السن بتناول اللوز بأنتظام لأنه يحتوي على ماداتان Riboflavin و L-carnitine اللي بيحافظوا على صحة العقل و الحمايه من ألزهايمر ملحوظه : اللوز لازم يكون طبيعي, غير مملح ولا محمص ولا منزوع القشره.